Current Initiatives

Always Growing – The Sycamore
Like our sycamore tree, The Friends of GCC aspires to be firmly rooted in our Germantown community. Just as the sycamore, your support speaks to strength and reliability while empowering your personal legacy to witness generational success beyond our time in tennis whites.

Kelly School
That’s going to leave a mark!…
…and indeed it will. Joining Friends of GCC in the effort to support the 500+ K thru 5th grade students at the John B. Kelly Elementary School directly effects the quality of life of many children vulnerable to being left behind by an underfunded education system.

Historic Preservation
Germantown Cricket Club’s campus is a living history of Philadelphia. The Club’s architecture and archival displays offer us insights into our city’s life and culture. From the time before the Lincoln presidency, to the roaring 1920’s, through two World Wars, a baby boom, a summer of love, the tech revolution, and into today, our club tells our story and maps our history’s path to the diverse and bountiful place it is today. Our Historic Preservation Initiative is a search for leaders from GCC membership charged with preserving and advocating for the rich history built upon 411 Manheim Street.